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Sunday, February 14, 2016

City, Arnett Muldrow & Associates to Unveil Results of Branding and Marketing Initiative

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day invites citizens to join him for the unveiling of Salisbury’s new community brand identity at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 15th, at Salisbury Fire Headquarters on Cypress Street. Ben Muldrow of Arnett Muldrow & Associates will present the final results of the company’s intensive branding and design process.

Last month, citizens were asked to participate in a series of roundtable meetings through which they could offer input and help inform the design process. At the end of the three-day design charrette, Muldrow presented a rough outline of his proposed brand, including logos, font packages, tag lines, and a brand statement. Over the past two weeks, the brand image has been refined, and it is now ready to make its debut!

Mayor Day said, “There were so many takeaways from this process, but what sticks with me the most is the degree of citizen involvement. These meetings were so well attended, and the discussions which took place contributed in a real way to the end product. I’m very happy with the brand identity this community has helped to come up with, and I can’t wait for everyone to see it.”


  1. I will NOT go to any Mayor Days events until he gets rid of the SPD police chief Duncan.

  2. Duncan looks like a kid playing dress-up in her police uniform. She is clueless and out-of-place. She's in a position that exceeds her abilities, bad choice for police chief. You need more than "branding" to transform Salisbury. Salisbury has not had the proper leaders to elevate this area and to promote it's benefits. Salisbury could be a great city, with the downtown waterfront and the location on the Eastern Shore. However the crime, political influence and corruption, and just bad management has put the city in a terrible hole. You can call a pig a swan but its still a pig.

    1. Why are the chief of police and city administrator continuing to be held by people without the managerial and proper assets to performance worthy of city government

  3. Joe please do a story on day not firing chief Duncan what gives with Jake? .

  4. Salisbury residents deserve this worthless BS -- they elected Fake Day as mayor!

  5. Yea what gives with defending Day and Stevenson??

  6. Jake Day, why do you not listen to the citizens of Salisbury. Get rid of Duncan, how hard is this to understand. We need someone who will be a police chief and do their job.

  7. This whole salisbury BS is pretty much a joke. I would love to hear the input from the so called top officials on a branding and marketing initiative. It's becoming nothing short of a Barnum & Bailey circus. How much time do they allow Stevenson to go back and do some internet research on criteria and terminology to try and act as though he comprehends

  8. Stevenson is nothing but a glorified butt kissing secretary whatever they tell him to do only response is how high to jump and who do u suck up to next

  9. Why ARE the chief of police and city administrator continuing to be allowed to be occupied by people that are clearly overwhelmed and not properly suited for a position that requires more than they are qualified for?? The city just continues in a downward spiral and it seems like as long as their intentions are good that's all that matters

  10. Seriously guys what exactly are you branding and marketing?? The only thing that is and has been a cornerstone is Perdue and the poultry and farming industry. What exactly are your plans for the future traffic congestion once you develop the downtown parking lot? Try going through the riverside dr east Carroll mill at intersection now at 5:00 and you want to promote even more traffic,smart move

  11. Mr. Stevenson how do you deal with all the anxiety that must come with totally being subjected to inability to contribute to the city's functions that are outside of your educational credentials it must nerve racking to feel out of place in a lot of these meetings

  12. Hey Stevenson as you stated 'nuf said a lot of us really don't like you and what you stand for or the way you cut someone's throat to get what you wanted sliding your way up the job ladder. Have some dignity not everyone likes a yes man butt kisser

  13. Cry about stevenson?? Talk about an easy target. He's been doing the job two years. Now you crybabies begin your hate speech tour. I leave for a year and Salisbury and it's people are still the armpit of the shore. GEESH!! GROW UP!!

  14. That's us the armpit, sorry to say some of us actually care about morals and values bozo!!! Gone only a year why don't you go back where you were and take Srevenson with you

  15. What's wrong 742?? Truth hurt??? Talk about slower lower Maryland. Even with all of Stevenson faults he's one of you!!! So EVERYTHING you whiners are saying of him. Your talking about yourselves. LMAO. That is why Salisbury is an armpit. ALL OF YOU!!! HAHA.

    1. No truth doesn't bother us at all what bothers us is to be represented by a local givernment that is assembled by a person befriending people in position to better themselves not on their experience and academic resume. If it makes you feel good to see a person get ahead by merely sucking up to the right people then I guess I understand your mentality a little better

  16. As a city employee I'm definitely upset. From what I take from everything here my hiring and disciplinary guidelines are different from the so called top officials. How is this fair and in one form or another not discriminination


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