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Sunday, February 14, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Live from the refuge -- FBI Standoff Happening.

The FBI has encircled the four remaining occupiers at the Oregon wildlife refuge. Agents in armored vehicles are demanding they surrender.  Below is the live feed


  1. The FBI won't listen to a congresswoman, what chance do these people have of being listened to? The FBI negotiator just hung up on them. Incredible.

  2. Screw these idiots.

  3. Keep your on big brother. Already not trusted and despised. And your retarded cousins local law and politicians. 45 yrs is enough. The sheep are being shaved and the new sheep it reveals can see! Ticking time bombs are what you are. Civil war is imminent. Not if just when.

  4. Stand down? Screw that , give up your idiot illegal occupation. Take your lumps like big bays and girls.

  5. 25,000. Congresswoman on the way to refugee and told the FBI to stand down. Lord help the FBI and LEO's if any harm come to these people.

  6. They just said LaVoy wasn't armed. His weapons are there at the refugee.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Stand down? Screw that , give up your idiot illegal occupation. Take your lumps like big bays and girls.

    February 10, 2016 at 9:37 PM

    coward sheep.

  8. These idiots are pathetic. They wouldn't know the constitution if it was tattooed on their forehead. Just listen to these whiny 4 year olds.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These idiots are pathetic. They wouldn't know the constitution if it was tattooed on their forehead. Just listen to these whiny 4 year olds.

    February 10, 2016 at 10:10 PM

    Sounds like you're the one whining. Why don't you take your head out of the sand, open your eyes and unite with the people instead of being divisive?

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 10, 2016 at 11:53 PM

    It was just said, those 4 people moved out of refuge, they are camping nearby, so THEY DON'T OCCUPY ANYTHING!!! 59,000 listening live. Wake Up Sheeple!!!

  11. common criminals. lock them up accordingly.

  12. Don't you guys get it yet?
    For the past few years Obama has supplied the police around the country with military vehicles . Do you know why ?
    He can legally have the police do the work because of the 3rd amendment , read it , he cannot use the military .
    He has also taken our military to an all time low with morale and man power. Having said that , his plan of action is working here and in other hot spots dealing with racial issues and citizens that reject his plan. Wake up , get your head out . If this were a black movement , nothing would be happening like this.

    1. Read the third amendment idiot. You say legally the president can have police do "the work". Show us that law! Section and sub-section please.....and cite the language or the caselaw. It doesn't exist. You are a paranoid schizophrenic.

  13. It's always Democrat Administrations that start this BS with people in protest. They haven't learned one thing from Waco or Ruby Ridge - which only goes to show that ignorance is inherited even amongst the non-blood related.

    In the 70s when the American Indian Movement overtook Alcatraz, the Bureau of American Indian Affairs in DC, Mayflower II in Boston and Mount Rushmore, Nixon's administration were told to "Stand Down." Why? Because they knew it would incite a violent end. Eventually, the protesters just quit and went home. Why Democrats don't learn from Nixon's tactics is beyond me.

    For people who are proponents of gun violence, they certainly start a lion's share of it on their own.

    My question is, why don't they just leave them alone and wait it out? They've already executed one person at point blank range - didn't that cure their thirst for blood? Apparently not.


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