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Monday, February 08, 2016

Black Unemployment 8.8%, More Than Double White Unemployment, 4.3%

(CNSNews.com) – Although the unemployment rate for white workers is at 4.3%, the unemployment rate for black workers is more than double that rate at 8.8%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In addition, the unemployment rate for Asian workers (3.7%) and Hispanic workers (5.9%) is also lower than the black unemployment rate.

For January 2016, the BLS reported that the national unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted, was 4.9%, a rate that was last seen in February 2008.



  1. The culture of pride in supporting your family is missing...actually the pride of acknowledging your family is missing.

  2. Cant hire those who DO NOT WANT to work.

  3. It will change when the FOODSTAMPS law goes back into effect - where you can only receive food stamps for 3 months out of 3 years! Either that or the Crime Rate will jump through the roof!

  4. Many are content with confining themselves to the Democratic Plantation.

  5. There ARE jobs for those who want to work. End of story. But then there are individuals who can't let a job interfere with basketball practice with other shiftless people.

  6. As long as their are government handouts and programs, the minority population will be content to feed off the government. All these programs should be short term and force people to be responsible for their survival. As a tax payer I am sick of working for ALL of these lady slobs.

  7. the numbers in the story are lies, fake and should Never be repeated without saying this is deceptive. when someone can no longer get unemployment checks and they still don't have a job, they are NO LONGER counted in the unemployment totals. when someone gets a much lower wage part time job, this is not FULL employment and these numbers a screwed. Please never accept what the government force feeds the masses. The masses are, for the most part, uneducated...

  8. Once their attitudes have been fixed jobs will follow.Good luck with that.

  9. I totally agree with 1.51PM

  10. And so it has been for a hundred years.

  11. Both percentages are about 12 percent light.


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