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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Bill Would Require Courts To Tell Abusers To Give Up Guns

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Judges would be required to inform domestic violence abusers they are prohibited from possessing firearms, under a measure coming before Maryland lawmakers.

The bill would require courts to order people convicted of a domestic related crime punishable as a misdemeanor to transfer all firearms in his or her possession to a federally licensed firearms dealer. While Maryland law currently prohibits firearm possession by a person convicted of a crime of violence, abusers often aren’t ordered to do so, and may not follow through on their own.

More than a dozen states have strengthened laws to keep firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers in the last two years. It has been a rare area of consensus in the nation’s debate over gun rights. Lawmakers and governors of both parties have supported bills stripping gun rights from those convicted of domestic violence-related crimes or who are subject to protective orders.


1 comment:

  1. Keep cheering every little nick and cut they perform to gradually eliminate every person in the country from possessing a gun. Your "leaders", SWORN TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION (!!), have already made hundreds of misdemeanors grounds for a PERMANENT ban (as in "for the rest of your life") on gun possession. "Unusual" punishment USED to be against the law.
    Quit trying to solve your personal tragedies by surrendering EVERYONE ELSE'S rights.
    Want to go to grandma's house? Ok, just remember to be calm when you get stopped by the Gestapo at a Nazi checkpoint. Your sister got beat up by her husband? Poor thing. Lets take EVERY gun from EVERYONE who ever lost their temper. Tired of having to get a warrant for a bad guy? Ahhh, don't worry, police don't need them anymore.
    Half the population is on a government "list" of some kind and
    You will be SO sorry.


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