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Thursday, February 04, 2016

Bernie Sanders Raises $3 Million in One Day

Democrat Bernie Sanders raised more than $3 million since he lost by a razor-thin margin to Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses on Monday.

"It's been our best day ever," Sanders communications chief Michael Briggs told The Washington Post.

Because Sanders raises money from small donors, his campaign is able to seek additional contributions from them, according to the Post.

Very few of the Vermont senator's donors have reached the maximum amount of $2,700, aides told the newspaper.



  1. They simply don't want the HildaBeast to have ANY chance of getting elected!

  2. While in agreement with 11:21AM, I would add this is indicative of her donor base losing faith that she will not be indicted soon. Even Iowa was technically too close to really call.

    Why pitch good money after bad causes? Might as well drive down Route 50 throwing $100 bills out the window if she's prison bound. Perhaps we are now seeing the downfall of pro-Clintonism within the DNC in the light of the FBI's threats to go 'public' should the DOJ fail to indict.

    Time will tell, but it should be an extremely interesting ride to August's conventions if it doesn't end abruptly after Super Tuesdsy in March.

  3. He should redistribute that money. Socialism only works until there is nobody left to pay for the people that vote for a living.

  4. Bernie doesn't believe in raising millions in campgains this must be a misprint.

  5. There are a lot of idiots in this country.

  6. Will Bernie work for a $1 a year if he becomes president I don't think so.

  7. I give him lots of credit for getting donations from "We the People." Like him or not, these are average Americans, not powers-that-be, big banks and lobbyists, who are supporting him. I think that's great.


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