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Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.



  1. He has always proudly displayed his extremist ties.

  2. This POSPOTUS is a terrorist supporter!

    He should be tried for treason in a time of war and executed just like Eddie Slovak - who actually committed lesser crimes!

  3. The preliminary approvals are in the works for a mosque to be built in Princess Anne.

    UMES staff is promoting Islamism to students.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thanks for removing that comment. It was rude and infantile.


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