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Monday, February 08, 2016

Background Checks?


  1. Well we get it, but unfortunately this goes right over the heads of obama supporters as they are of the idiot/moron/imbecile IQ range. That coupled with them being horrid people, complete dregs of society who don't believe in being honest. Just remember there is no such thing as a good obama supporter. They are all very very bad people and God will punish all of them in His own time because they deserve no blessings and they are going to hell, each and every single one of them. God doesn't want them fouling the air of Heaven with their putridness and we don't either.

  2. Hey 11:05 AM

    Guess what, Evil can only prevail when Good sits idly by and watches... GET THE HINT???? Why in gods name do you think evil is taking over??? NO ONE WANTS TO STAND AND FIGHT!!!

    But yes you are correct, in that most people have an IQ level lower than dirt's IQ...

  3. This actually happened in the same speech.

  4. So many lies told, he cannot remember them

  5. He speaks with forked toungue.


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