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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ann Coulter: GOP Baffled as Voters Rally to Popular Candidate

Donald Trump’s latest bombshell, claiming the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to get us into the Iraq War, is just him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. He’s apparently decided it would be fun to taunt the entire GOP by demonstrating that he can say anything and his voters won’t care.

I wish he’d stop showing off, the little scamp, but maybe the GOP establishment will finally get the message that voters have been waiting a really long time for a candidate who would put Americans first. Not donors, not plutocrats, not foreigners, and certainly not foreign plutocrats (i.e., Fox News).

Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP’s neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.

That’s all that matters! Are you listening yet, RNC?



  1. As long as the voters supporting the other candidates rally around and vote for whomever is the party nominee, we have a chance of getting our country back.

    If not, we're doomed as the Current POSPOTUS has already put us in the toilet and both the Bern and the HildaBeast are willing to "hold handle down while flushing".

  2. The pope is now blasting trump calling him not a good Catholic, liberals pulling on the popes ear I don't see the vatican opening there doors to illegals? .

  3. Cudos to Ann Coulter!!!
    Finally some one at fox news gets it.
    Nikki Haley and Paul Ryan are both just copies of the past.
    Nikki Haley signed Rubios death warrant when she endorsed him.
    She currently is a nobody just like Ryan has become.
    They are both sellouts to PC .

    Whether you like it or not Trump is exactly what this country needs if it is going to survive. Anyone else is just flushing the toilet after previous administrations have filled the bowl.

  4. There has to be a foot of snow on the ground in Hades, and everyone there has a cool drink of ice water to boot, because I never thought I'd read an Anne Coulter article and agree with any of it, let alone agree with all of it.

  5. She is the one who stated on the O'Reilly Factor that radiation is good for you. This was just after the Fukushima nuclear disaster!
    Her statement was higher background radiation is good for for you!!!
    A typical corporate response to a environmental disaster!
    I liked her until until she started spouting this BS!!!!


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