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Monday, February 01, 2016

America 2016: We’re Mad As Hell and Not Going To Take It Anymore

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa-- Craig Ziemke has voted for Democrats all his life, including twice for President Barack Obama. Not this year.

“The whole country is going to hell,” the 66-year-old retired factory worker said, standing against the bleachers at a high school gymnasium while waiting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to arrive. Ziemke’s fury is deep: Roads and bridges in the U.S. are falling apart, jobs are scarce and the U.S. border is wide open, he says.

“We’re letting all these people into the country. No one even knows who the hell they are,” he said. “We don’t need any more Arabs. The United States, anymore, is just a dumping ground for everyone.”

Ziemke plans to caucus for a Republican on Monday – and likely for Trump, “the only one with brains,” he said.

If Obama’s 2008 campaign in Iowa and beyond defined the election as one of “hope and change,” this year may well be described as the politics of rage.

In interviews with dozens of voters in both parties, the driving motivation across the state is anger and uprising. They’re fed up with lawmakers in Washington, who seem to work two or three days a week and get little done aside from raising money to stay in office. They’re mad about stagnant wages, companies sending jobs overseas and terrorists sneaking in across the border.



  1. It is not like Democrats like Craig Ziemke weren't warned. There were plenty of warnings about the Democrat ideology shifting to a more hardline socialism stance. Obama made it no secret that he was out to fundamentally change America. While I'm glad he's voting for a Republican - any Republican, he really doesn't deserve the right to complain.

    I guess we could say in Ziemke, at least he voted - which is more than a lot of people can say about their participation in the last two presidential elections.

  2. I'm as mad as I wants to be, yo.

  3. glad he woke up, but don't understand why he didn't see this from the beginning or at least the second term.

  4. He can't be too bright if he is mad now. His brain is a minimum of 3 years slow and possible 7 years slow. I give him a break for the first term, but the second.

  5. His first vote is somewhat understandable. His second time is just plain stupid. Obama and the Democrats know that it takes the average Democrat 7 years to figure out what's going on.

  6. The truth is, right now America needs Democrats more than ever. We need them to help the rest of us save our Country. I beg every Democrat to help us get our Country back or it will be too late. For the love of God folks, please for one time, vote for a Republican.

  7. I thought they were mad back in 2008 and 2012.Why is 2016 different? Is it a different kind of mad? Has mad evolved over the last 8 years beyond the norm and has it replaced stupid? Not likely.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The truth is, right now America needs Democrats more than ever. We need them to help the rest of us save our Country. I beg every Democrat to help us get our Country back or it will be too late. For the love of God folks, please for one time, vote for a Republican.

    February 1, 2016 at 2:52 PM

    sorry to burst your bubble but they are all the same. if any of them were different, why do the same things keep happening? and that goes for congress too


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