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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Bad Road Conditions On Rt. 50 West Bound

Hey Joe,

Just wanted to let you know that a friend of mine was driving from Bishopville to Salisbury this morning. He saw seven accidents on Rt. 50 with two overturned vehicles.


  1. I drove the same route...made out fine. People need to slow the heck down! Vehicles were cruising past me...and one of the ended up being in an accident.

  2. Well at least we don't have to hear all the grief as to why schools are closed.

  3. Thank you Joe for keeping people advised as to road conditions. We have no other source of help. The local tv/radio stations do not advise us of poor conditions let alone the locations of "hot spots."

    You could very well be a lifesaving source of information!!

  4. Thanks for the info.

  5. don't those people realize that the posted speed limit is for optimal conditions?

  6. 8:13. I totally agree.

  7. it rained, sleeted, hailed and snowed. What do you think the roads are like? I'm 1,000 miles away and know that the roads are slick.

  8. People here don't know how to drive in foul weather. It's why I stay home! They overlook the first rule which is SLOW DOWN. It's as though the roads are like they are in the summertime.


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