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Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Letter To The Editor 2-18-16

I applaud Bob Culver for moving forward with caution. The CAFO on Naylor Mill is approved that can’t be undone to blindly regulate is not the answer. It will take time and valid information to make solid decisions. To be dependent on information provided by activist groups would be very unwise. It has been my experience that the more you give the green movement, the more they demand or attempt to legislate. I have heard, but not confirmed that Wicomico County has passed a resolution against the Poultry Litter Act. If this is true I applaud them for standing up for Poultry Agriculture and our rural way of life. We need more of the Counties to get behind Poultry Agriculture. Yes I call it Poultry Agriculture, if we don’t like being called Factory Farms then perhaps we should not refer to ourselves as an Industry.

Michelle Protani-Chesnik


  1. I'm not understanding this very well. It makes little sense after the first sentence. Since valid means producing the desired results perhaps the writer means factual information? Factual information is what is needed to make informed decisions. Factual information from all sides. Making a "solid" decision doesn't necessarily mean a well informed one. As far as the writer's experience with "the green movement" the same can be said for the poultry industry and factory farming in general. Wic Co passing anything doesn't supersede state law so anything they do is really just a feel good gesture with no meaning at all. As far as this sentence " Yes I call it Poultry Agriculture, if we don’t like being called Factory Farms then perhaps we should not refer to ourselves as an Industry." Could someone explain it to me as it's impossible to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse no matter how you try and "spin" it.

  2. as the meeting televised last night indicated by Joe Holloway said; hold off until we have ALL the info we need to make an educated, wise, permanent decision for ALL concerned.

    i don't know about you, but did anyone see the temper fly from Cannon last night. what is wrong with this man. it seems if he doesn't get his way, he has a fit. reminds me of Obama and Ireton. seriously, he really went off the tracks last night.


  3. Let me guess, your husbands a chicken farmer !!

  4. What I don't understand is why the MDE requires those applying for permits for CAFO's have a public hearing. If the public concern has no bearing on the outcome why bother.

  5. I looked at those applying for permits on the MDE's site and almost all are foreigners. Asians it seems.


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