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Thursday, February 04, 2016

2016 MD SB 333 Proposes to Limit Children’s Menu Drink Selections in Restaurants


  1. Really, does the government really need to be involved in every aspect of our lives?

  2. Who does this woman think she is? She has no knowledge of what is best for my children. Just like Michele Obama ....ignorant.

  3. Sorry ignorant moron Democrat. I am responsible for my children not you or any other politician. Get over yourself.

  4. That's the job of the parent or family member not anyone else. Typical Democrat Liberal mentality. The government needs to get out of our business!!!!!

  5. Low fat milk is still mostly calories from sugar. 100% juice is still ALL calories from sugar. Water is the best choice.

    100 calories from sugar is still 100 calories from sugar. It makes no difference if its liquid or solid. Ask any diabetic, doctor or nutritionist. They will tell you the same thing.

  6. Another good reason to never vote for a Democrat. As a registered Republican, and over the years, I have voted for some Democrats because I thought they could do a better job. Those days are over. I'll never vote for another Democrat as long as I live.

  7. Maybe next she will introduce a bill to go into people's houses to open the fridge and pantry to remove foods that are offensive. The voters who voted her into office need to rethink this bad decision. Obviously she doesn't have the intelligence to hold office.

  8. Why don't you let us parent our children??? The only time I ever let me children have soda or other beverages (besides milk,juice or water) is when we get to occasionally go out to dinner.

  9. Just another Democratic ruse to divert attention from the murder and drug problems in B'more.

  10. The Progressives always creeping into our lives taking control little by little.

  11. Sounds to me like a recall is needed for her seat

  12. Another liberal democrat IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!

  13. Ah, the Nanny State is trying to break through. Since when did Bloomberg become governor of Maryland? (sic)


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