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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016 MD HB 740 Proposes Mandatory Employee Paid State Family/Medical Leave Insurance Fund


  1. hmm more MANDATORY taxes taken out of my already tiny paycheck. Unbelievable. So let me see if I get this.
    I get the flu, do not go to the doctor, do not get paid
    I get the flu, spend $100 going to the doctor, get $50 from the state?

    I do not go to the doctor when I am sick so I imagine you/I would not qualify for benefits unless you go.

    So I HAVE to pay this tax, then I have to pay the doctor, to get back less than I spent to get the benefit. Yea that sounds like a state plan to me.

  2. evidently, THE SECRETARY needs a new slush fund :(

  3. Absolutely ridiculous.

    Between health care and paid sick days, these are benefits employers traditionally provided for employees as part of their wage compensation. Government interference is contributing to the rapid disappearance of employee benefit packages, paid by the employer. Yet another de facto corporate subsidy.

    There are already private insurers such as AFLAC that provide similar insurance, the government needs to stay out of it.

  4. the family/medical leave act was sold as a non paid event for employees so the would not be fired if they had to take care of a loved one. as it was sold to us sheep the politicians swore that it would never be a paid leave. that was less than 15 years ago. look at it now.

  5. total BS, I live in Delaware and work in Maryland, they are already taxing the living crap out of us, plus an added expense when you go to file because you live in Delaware and Maryland wants more of your money for using their roads, between this crap and benefits increases there will be no money left to bring home, house will go into foreclosure, no food on the table, no heat, no electric, and guess what, no help because I'm not the right color.

    1. Then stay in Delaware and work. Put wear n tear on their roads.qhit taken Marylanders jobs! Better yet... Move to Maryland a d contribute to our revenue. P.o.S!

  6. Is this not a Federal program called FMLA which covers Family / Medical leave?

    1. No.

      The 1993 Family Medical Leave Act specifically did not address pay or benefits of any kind. It only prevents someone from being fired if they miss work for a qualifying serious medical condition, under certain conditions. You had to have worked 1,250 hours at the same employer, in the past 12 months, which is almost 8 months of full time employment.

      Doesn't help all those people who are forced to work 2 or 3 part time jobs though.

    2. 2-3 part time jobs? Obama has made a full time job what ???/some odd 25-30 hours a week. Lmao.


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