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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Woman Travels The World By Getting Online Men To Fund Dates

Let’s just put aside the fact that any one of these men could be off-their-rocker crazy and rape, murder, torture, etc. this woman, why would you want to go to a foreign place with a person you don’t even know?

A 25-year-old woman has revealed that she travels the world for free by getting men she meets online to fund her trip.

Monica Lynn, from Alabama, has travelled to Italy, Barbados and the Phillipines – and calls the experience like ‘dating on steroids’.

Before January 2015, Monica Lynn had never even left the US but a year on, she has seen nine different countries and done everything from camel trekking in Dubai to shopping sprees in Hong Kong – all apparently paid for by dates she met on the internet.

The former financial advisor, who ditched the nine-to-five grind to see the world, estimates her lavish trip would have taken a decade of saving if she’d funded it herself.

Her adventure began in January, when she came across an article about dating site MissTravel, where singles can pay to bring prospective partners on holiday with them.

Miss Lynn explained: ‘I came across Miss Travel in an article about weird websites. I thought, ‘Yes, that sounds weird – but also kind of cool.’


1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a few lines from He Never Died:

    Father: "If you have no money, how did you get drunk last night?"

    Daughter: "A vagina is a like a coupon book for alcohol."


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