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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why Is The Main Stream Media Keeping School Bomb Threats Regional?

Last week and today we reported multiple school bomb threats in Maryland and Delaware. However, we quickly learned of additional bomb threats in other states across the country. So far SBYNews has reported threats in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Massachusetts and California. 

Do you think something is fishy?

Why is it taking this Blog to expose the truth. The MSM has networks around the world who could feed you this information in no time. 

You mean to tell me someone just hasn't figured this out yet? Something stinks!


  1. Because it would be seen as another Obama failure.

  2. Seems to me that with all the United States fabulous technology they could have figured out by now who is doing this. You are right Joe, there is something fishy about this. These are being done all over the place, not just here.

  3. What good could come of it?

  4. 2:00, Oh, let's see. Perhaps the American Citizens could actually become INFORMED. Perhaps Americans can and will see a national pattern. Perhaps the American people will see that our President and ALL Legislators are useless. Heck, even Governor Hogan isn't chiming in on all of this.

    Parents and their children should NOT be subjected each and every day from such TERRORISM.

  5. Where is Hogan & the FBI.

  6. I was just thinking the same thing when I looked on here and you ask this question. What do they want to know about the way we deal with threats? It could be so many things. It is scary to think these terrorist are going to attack schools. Most people are not staying informed. Look up where Isis plans to attack. They are closer then you think to us on the Eastern Shore.

  7. I am in Tampa, Florida this week and Pasco County schools are being evacuated right now because of multiple bomb threats.

  8. If your President wanted to scare the living crap out of each and every one of you, how would they do so?

    Threaten your children and grandchildren.

    Funny how the majority of the calls being made are robo calls that don't seem to be traceable. How convenient.

    1. You honestly believe that the president of the United States of America is behind this?

    2. Benghazi fast and furious just to name a few

  9. I was thinking the same thing---something is up--even Fox News is not covering it

  10. I am ready for this madness to end. I am amazed how our community acts in such a naive fashion. Each day we send our children to school hoping that there is not another call and our children are safe??!! As a parent, I am concerned about waiting for an outcome with such limited information.

    1. It is fishy, and when it comes to our babies safety, let's not mess around

  11. Right Joe! And the FCC-the FEDERAL Communications Commission who is controlled by who might I ask was supposed to crack down on using robocalls and fake caller id numbers. If this had been successfully done robocalls would be traceable. They were supposed to do this because of telemarketer complaints and now look how it's being used!

  12. 2:45, How many days has this been going on and not a word from the President or Legislators? YOU don't consider this terrorism???

    The FACT that we, (little old Salisbury News) has proven it is a national matter speaks volumes.

    The FACT that the MSM is keeping the national portion of this out of the public eye, you better believe I do in fact believe the President IS aware of what is going on.

    I firmly believe IF the American public was aware of this as a national matter, VOTERS, TAXPAYERS, would be up in arms that nothing is being done about it.

    The mere fact our own Sheriff, (the highest ranking leader in local law enforcement) has to reach out to the FBI on this matter means it is much more then a local problem.


  13. keeping us in the dark and feeding us ...

  14. tampa bomb threats are from a 17 year old punk that already got caught

  15. Why hasn't the United States Department of Homeland Security taken control of investigating and bringing to justice those prisons responsible for these nation wide bomb threat upon our schools? Does the DHS consider this a local law enforcement responsibility and don't feel DHS needs to be involved?

  16. I have both read and heard on the news over and over how the FBI or Homeland Security have identified breaks in the system that can be used by terrorists to disrupt us and whenever they want to do something about it they are cut off by higher ups. And it's not some off the wall websites I read but the MSM including the bias ones like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The Baltimore Sun, The WashPost. I don't necessarily believe the government is behind this but the Obama admin has without any doubt enabled this to happen and that much is an undeniable fact. Anyone who doesn't think so is a clueless low information fool who needs to crawl back in their hole they emerged from.

  17. See! When it's just some kid they get caught almost immediately.

  18. Those of you with Facebook and Twitter need to be bombarding fox, cnn, nbc etc....with posts.

  19. it's just social conditioning for us all to ignore these threats in the future so there will be mass casualties when the responses are minimalised and/or to hinder the education system by invoking fear which will keep our kids stupid by making them all socialist democrats fully depending on the government for everything.

  20. 2:45 Comment: YES, Obama and his Democrats in the Muslim World are behind these threats of our Schools!!!

  21. After ALL these years we have existed NOW since Obama has been in office. Look at ALL the the issues we have. You think it's a coincidence? ?? WOW!!!

  22. It was reported on FOX today that at least 9 states are being affected and they didn't mention Maryland, so I'm sure there's more, but at least it was reported on FOX.

  23. Mass murders and untraceable phone calls just spell out to me to get the "voters" to give the internet and their guns up to the government in hopes they will protect us because then no one will be able to make untraceable phone calls nor will they have any guns or bombs.

    If you think this way long enough, people will actually vote this way.

    Will you?

  24. people stopped buying the false flag bs of mass shootings at school so they are trying another tactic.

  25. I believe there were quite a few bomb threats in New Jersey schools today as well. This is truly frightening. Why are schools the targets?

  26. It is terror and they are watching where the kids are taken as a "safe space" (fire hall etc.). As I recall the male San Bernardino terrorist had pictures of schools on his phone. He was a county health dept. inspector and went into schools for occasional inspections. Thank God they were stopped before they could attack a school. If I were a parent I would be very uneasy.

  27. I live in Howard County and my daughter Elementary School was issued a bomb threat yesterday and they had to evacuate. It's one thing for a punk kid to hop on the coat tails of a "funny idea" however, this is too much of a coincidence for. Multiple bombs threats daily since last week in schools up and down the East Coast, sounds like someone or group is doing some recon for a massive "event". My kids will remain home from school until this issue is resolved.

  28. When was the last Anthrax scare?


  29. We all know it's the government doing this. If all knew than it would more than likely be the straw that broke the camel's back. It's all for one reason. More police and funding to grow the police state and utilize this new presence as a conforming tool. The hopes are the people get scared and scream for more protection for the kids because Isis maybe testing us. Putting more cops in schools ,costing more money etc. Meanwhile the children grow to accept the even greater police presence as a normal thing along with the people. Over time its never thought of again.All for a false sense of security. Can't make it national news! Small attacks are what Isis do. Not set up or able to attack the whole country hacking systems. Isolation and silence ,keeping it regional is the only way to achieve this. Think I'm crazy??? Think about this.... Why is it that the schools never alerted anyone till hours later? Little polce presence with no dogs or evacuations? Because the schools and our Sheriff knew it was going to happen. And knew it was going to happen on a larger scale. And now claim they're investigating to make it seem like they didn't know and claim terrorists are the culprit. Today's technology there is no way this hasn't been shut down and the ones responsible identified. Only way is for the ones investigating are the culprits and don't want to admit it. This more than smells. This is an act of treasonous activity against the people! From our local levels to the President! Lock em all up! Mike Lewis... This means you! If you don't come forward and tell the truth and get you some more TV time than your as responsible as the rest! Admit you knew in advance of the calls! Blow this out of the water! Or be a typical cop. A tool of tyranny! A treasonous traitor to our country! A terrorist!


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