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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

White House Blames Congress for Obama Action on Guns

President Obama is issuing new gun regulations on his own because Congress refuses to act, the White House said Monday.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Mr. Obama’s pending executive actions, which are expected to expand background checks on gun purchases, are being taken because “Congress has utterly failed in their responsibility.”

“There are steps Congress can take that would not undermine the basic constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans,” Mr. Earnest said. “But Congress has refused.”



  1. Because Congress gets big bucks from the NRA.

  2. Always blame someone else!

    Congress refused you because they listened to the will of the people.

    You refuse to listen to the people and push your own agenda...

    You are the POSPOTUS - not king!

  3. 1:28...you are being led to slaughter like all he other Obama Sheep''

    Obama is a Progressive Liberal trying to disarm us to KILL ALL CHRISTIANS...

    you Idiot 1:28...

  4. The readers need to realize that Obama has bosses. These bosses want to disarm the US Citizens. Most US Citizens are brainwashed and want their neighbors to be disarmed. These pathetic idiots do nothing "wrong" and therefore do not fear the government. They have no clue about the lessons of history.

  5. Things certainly are a mess. If you take a long look at what this administration has done in 7 years it is very frightening. Attack all religions except muslim, attack tea party, IRS abuse, guns, health care, illegals, letting terrorist walk into the country, Isreal, the middle east, solar power, coal power, bail outs, Putin, race relations and the list goes on and on. Billy Joel needs a new song - Obama Did Start the Fire.

  6. @2:13 Wow. Just wow. Please come back to the real world. I don't even like Obama and personally own 3 guns. I could care less how many blockades I need to go through to obtain them because I am a law abiding citizen. I really hope that you are not actually this paranoid...and if you are, do us all a favor and do not reproduce

  7. Since when does Obama have the authority to do the job of Congress? He doesn't.

  8. 720, he doesn't. The lawsuits have been filed and he will not win this. Everyone needs to comment on this every day.


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