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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Washington Post Editorial Board Says MLK, Jr., Would Totally Accept Refugees

In case you were unaware, today is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. As such, it behooves the Washington Post Editorial Board topublish an editorial which proclaims that he would support all the “Syrian” refugees and other Muslims that Mr. Obama wants to import to the United States, an editorial that starts out, unshockingly, with bashing a few Republicans who have called for a temporary hold on bringing in more of these Muslim refugees until we can truly verify who they are.

But on the holiday set aside to honor Martin Luther King Jr., it is worth recalling that tactical consequences are not the principal reason Americans should find the Trump proposal repellent. We are a nation founded on the ideal that every individual has value and deserves to be judged on his or her own merit. Each of us can make choices about the importance, to ourselves, of our racial or national heritage, our religion or lack thereof, our sexual identity. No one else has the right to make those choices for us. Being Muslim, or black, or Irish American doesn’t tell anyone else who you are, much less what you are worth. When we start judging people based on the categories they belong to, we diminish ourselves.



  1. How much better off would we be right now if James Earl Ray had targeted Al Sharpton instead!

    1. Hahaha!! Truth!'

    2. "every individual has value" Agreed. When women are acknowledged as individuals with equal value in Islam, that is.

      "and deserves to be judged on his or her own merit" Agree 100%. Every one that wants to step over our borders deserves to be judged, on their own merit, whether or not they are to be allowed to come here, based upon their ideology, sincere desire to assimilate into American culture, criminal history, associations with known criminals and terrorists, ability to support themselves as productive citizens, and moral character.

      "Each of us can make choices about the importance, to ourselves, of our racial or national heritage, our religion or lack thereof, our sexual identity."

      The WaPo said that?? Wow, white people do have just as much right to their racial identity as everyone else, who would have guessed?

      "No one else has the right to make those choices for us."

      Agree completely, once again. No one has the right to diminish our ethnicity; our national sovereignty, or force us to embrace an alien, resentful culture, nor to adopt or adapt to it. Got that, politicians? You do not have the right to make the decision to impose your brand of so-called "diversity" upon us.

      "Being Muslim, or black, or Irish American doesn’t tell anyone else who you are, much less what you are worth".

      If only it were so. Blacks shouldn't be "worth" 35% more on college admissions scoring, and Asians shouldn't be "worth" 15% less than whites, for college acceptance.

      But for Muslims, their Koran spells out exactly how much women are worth: from 1/4 to 1/2 that of a Muslim man. And non-Muslims, are worth no more than 1/2. They have no value whatsoever, to testify against a Muslim man, and blacks are considered to be put on earth "to be slaves to the Arabs".

  2. It amazes me how many people try to speak for MLK Jr and use him to push their agenda.

    He said what he said. Anything else is just propaganda.

  3. Absolutely untrue. MLK had compassion, but he loved his country and had common sense. End of story.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 19, 2016 at 9:30 PM

    Someone at Washington Post must have an amazing talent of How To Speak With Dead People. Hey, could you tell me where Leprechauns buried Pot of Gold???

  5. wapo cant find it's arse with both hands. No way can it know what mlk would do. It's a guess @ best.


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