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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

US manufacturing hit a 3-year low in December

Manufacturing in the US is in a bad place.

Markit's latest reading on US manufacturing activity in December fell slightly to 51.2 from a preliminary reading of 51.3, though this reading was better than 51.1 that was estimated.

This is the lowest level for the reading since October 2012.

The Institute for Supply Management followed on Monday with its own reading that showed manufacturing in the US is in contraction.

ISM's index came in at 48.2, down from 48.6 in November and below the 49.0 that was expected. December's reading was the lowest since June 2009.

All readings below 50 indicate contraction in the sector.



  1. My question is: What manufacturing? Since the so call free trade deals, there hasn't been much of this in the U.S.
    For the American people it should have been call the raw deal, or the great American sellout!!! I'm sure a lot of Senators and Congressman were bought and sold on this deal! Guess this is how the Clinton's really became millionaires while in office!!!!!

  2. All the more reason why Clinton Part II should not be a show we watch.


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