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Monday, January 04, 2016

Two Weeks After Release, Arab Girl Tries to Stab Again

An indictment was filed Monday against a 15-year-old Arab girl for two counts of attempted murder and two counts of possession of a knife, after she tried twice to carry out deadly stabbing attacks against Jews in Jerusalem.

According to the indictment, on December 6 the terrorist minor decided to carry out a deadly stabbing attack against Jews and die during the attack, in order to become a “martyr."

The girl left her home in the morning with a Koran and a cutting board in her backpack, and headed to Damascus Gate in the Old City. Upon her arrival, she entered a store on Sultan Suleiman Street and bought a set of five knives in various sizes. Afterwards, she proceeded to the City of David compound to carry out the attack.

When she reached the compound she entered the bathroom and opened the knife kit, pulled out the biggest knife and put it in her backpack. She then sat down on a bench and looked for a suitable victim to stab to death. However, a tourist who suspected her behavior alerted security forces and they arrested her and prevented the attack.

The minor lied to police during the interrogation and claimed that she bought the knives for her home kitchen. The next day, the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court ordered her release to house arrest for two days under the supervision of her parents.

Two weeks later, the minor decided to try again.

More here


  1. wait a minute... i thought islam was a religion of peace!

  2. lock these Muslims up and throw away the key...

  3. Brainwashed children with knives.

    But that's all Israel's fault, right?

    "Please exercise restraint to keep from escalating the situation."

  4. Another religious crazy.

  5. "Another religious crazy.."

    For once, you may be right, 3:21.

  6. Islam is not a religion it's a CULT !

  7. For all the modern day Muslim martyrs that there may be enjoying Allah's generous gifts on the other side, I'm coming up short on remembering any of their names or faces.


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