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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Trump to Bill Clinton: I Dare You to Address Women’s Issues

When you are the victim of a serial sexual exploiter but you refused to stand up for other women who were abused by the same person, that makes you a hypocrite. And Donald Trump is rightly calling Hillary and her infamously exploitative husband out on this one. You can’t champion women by staying silent about their abuse.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is daring former president Bill Clinton to talk about women’s issues on behalf of his wife’s presidential campaign.

“I hope Bill Clinton starts talking about women’s issues so that voters can see what a hypocrite he is and how Hillary abused those women,” Trump said in a tweet Saturday, referring to sexual allegations made against the 42nd president.



  1. Only in America can a guy who has bankrupted 4 companies criticize one who balanced 3 federal budgets.

    1. You're an idiot! Bankruptcy is a perfectly legal way for business and individuals to deal with circumstances they can't control, unless they're Obama's buddies that get millions from the taxpayer with no intention of producing anything (I.e. Solyndra).


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