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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump May Skip Fox Debate for Own Town Hall — Over Megyn Kelly

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump might skip Thursday's debate on Fox News Channel and hold his own televised town hall at the same time if the network doesn't drop Megyn Kelly from its team of moderators, his campaign manager tells New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman.

Trump has been calling on Fox News to drop Kelly, who is scheduled to moderate with two other Fox anchors, Chris Wallace and Bret Baier. The trio moderated the first GOP debate of the season, in which Kelly and Trump sparred over a question about his treatment of women.

Trump objected to the question and criticized Kelly for it the next day. When he said she had "blood coming out of her wherever" he was accused again of attacking women, though he said he was meaning it was coming out of her ears.

Trump took up the feud again last week with a serious of tweets saying Fox shouldn't allow Kelly on the debate stage because she is biased against him. Fox responded that Kelly would not be removed from the team of moderators.



  1. He should walk off when Kelly is in mid sentence.

  2. He wouldn't miss it for the world.

  3. This is pure BS, if he can't stand the heat then get the hell out of the kitchen. Why is when anyone poses a question he doesn't like he sulks like a little baby. He is always boastful like I am rich really rich. Who really gives a s--t! Grow up!!! I had planned to vote for him but now not so sure. Here comes Bloomberg and he is really, really rich even more than Trump.

  4. Good. I hope he skips Kelly. What an evil biased woman.

  5. Big bad trump cant deal with Kelly but expects anyone to believe he can deal with Putin?

    Guy just doesn't know how to deal with anyone that doesn't kowtow to him.

  6. 2:26 only you would want to have Bloomberg as a president the man is a god in his own mind but you people that need to be told what to do where to go and what to eat like that, Kelly just want to bash him on woman she is stuck on 1 issue all i seen out of her last time was trying to nail trump if she would ask real question besides personal question then fine but she is a trump hater but you go ahead and vote for Bloomberg right along with O'Malley the only person that broke the city of Balt then state of MD

  7. This is a fantastic way to create a tension before a debate and a brilliant public relations move on Trump's part. Not only does it pre-vilify Kelly, putting her on notice her antics during the first debate will not be tolerated, it also creates a sense of instability at Fox News. They are really rallying and wondering if he's going to show up. They put him front and center; therefore, if he doesn't show up that will make a statement in and of itself. Love it. That Trump guy really has it going on. Guess is, he'll be there but he's gonna make 'em sweat it all out before the big dance.

  8. I watch Megyn Kelly each night and am of the opinion that she has actually helped Donald Trump by being somewhat controversial. Trump is doing the same!

  9. If I was on a desert island I sure as hell would want it to be with Megyn Kelly over that fat blabbering Trump. The Donald needs to start acting like a man. Cowboy up a$$&*!e...

  10. The coming weeks will decide how brilliant Trumps' moves are.I sometimes wonder if he doesn't just do things without an actual strategy in mind.

  11. Tune in for the movie. I am sure Trump is taping everything, be ready for the ultimate reality TV show. You have been Trumped!!


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