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Saturday, January 23, 2016

TRUMP: Hillary’s Being Nice To Obama Because She Wants To Stay Out Of LOCKUP!


  1. Agree with Trump completely. On a personal level, it's no secret that there is no love loss between Clinton and Obama. Her appointment was to satiate those who wanted her to be president in 2008. It was a way to soothe the ills. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the DNC was participatory in that appointment, telling her that her shot in 2016 was guaranteed.

    Now that her butt is in a sling due to her brazen abuse and disregard for the law, she needs to cling to Obama (and his failed record) in order to stay clear of indictment. Perhaps hoping he will do some preindictment pardon like Ford did for Nixon.

  2. She better start kissing butt big time

  3. Evenif she is convicted of her crimes Obama will pardon her.

  4. 4:24, I hope he wont. map


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