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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trooper 4 Lands Near Old Mill In Delmar

We were told a pedestrian was struck in the Delmar area and Trooper 4 recently landed at or near the Old Mill. 


  1. Heard it was a child hit by car, walking home after school. Flown to Hopkins.

  2. Hope the Old Mill owners didn't try to get it towed for being there when they are closed.....

  3. Had to be from Delmar Middle or High School if it was a student. Wicomico schools were closed today for PD

  4. It was a 10 year old pedestrian that was hit by a car. They waited on scene with that little boy for 45 minutes before that Helicopter even lifted off the ground. I don't know about you, but if my 10 year old child laid on the ground for 45 minutes when their is an emergency room with doctors just 5 minutes away I would have been locked up because I would have been kicking some asses and making that ambulance get on the road. this was a child that was hit by a car and should have been RUSHED to the Emergency Room at PRMC. If that child dies you can blame it on the EMT's and "Look at me I am 'Command.'"

  5. Wrong Helicopter Joe, it was actually MSP Trooper 4!


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