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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Transgender athletes to be allowed to compete as other sex in the Olympics WITHOUT having surgery

If you were wondering when trans people would ruin the Olympics, then wonder no more. It’s OK for transgender people to compete, but they should compete as the sex that they were born, or at the very least, get the gender reassignment surgery so we know you’re serious about the transition and not just dressing up as a woman to win a gold medal in Rio. Don’t worry folks, new rules may change that! The new rules may state that trans people don’t have to get the gender reassignment. So now you will see men competing as women and completely ruining the entire Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee received proposed guidelines in November from its ‘Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism’, which allow for broader policies that would include transgender athletes.

The policy change would be in line with NCAA standards in the United States, which allow male-to-female and female-to-male transgender athletes to compete without having gender reassignment surgery, according to ESPN.

I suppose this is why the Rio Olympics symbol is very phallic. Just a bunch of trans people holding hands in the shape of a…



  1. SEE. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow and be aware of what is really going on before it is to late. Bet u did not know about NCAA rules. Another one they slip by us...WTFU

  2. Well, now there's no such thing as the Olympics any more. No need to watch or contribute, or compete, for that matter.

    I used to enjoy watching the fair competition...

  3. Two Things Could Be TrueJanuary 27, 2016 at 11:45 PM

    He was a better looking man than he is as a woman. He should go back to the way he was made and get over himself. How is that for politically incorrect?

  4. In my opinion that's totally unfair to the women competing. Years of training to be forced to compete with someone who may identify as female but has all the physical advantages testosterone gives.

  5. Why even have gender specific games?
    Let the competitors be the best at what the games call for, no sex identification involved. No women's this, or men's that. If one or the other gender excels, so be it.
    Meanwhile, on Mount Olympus, the gods are laughing.

  6. Liberals have finally found away to get away with beating women.


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