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Sunday, January 31, 2016

This Celebrity Just Called Trump A Diva For Skipping The Fox Debate

Cher mocked Donald Trump after he decided to skip the Fox News debate because of Megyn Kelly.

In a series of tweets this week, the singer made fun of the Republican front-runner and called him a prima donna.

“Trump not doing Fox debate because of Megan [sic] Kelly,” she tweeted. “How can he face ISIS? He can’t face a chick on TV.”



  1. Traitor Magen Kelly needs a job at BSNBC I will not watch Fox again until she is GONE,I WIll hurt Fox news with boycotting $$$

  2. Joe Fox news went at it with Ted Cruz and he threatened to leave the stage WTF is going on with Fox.

  3. I wonder what would have happened if Donald called Cher or Megyn a 'chick' they would be all over him. Cher go back to getting your faced lifted and leave politics to people that live in the real world.

  4. I really don't understand why people in general care what the hell actor/ musicians/ celebrities think.
    It is odd.


  5. Don't generally agree with Cher, but she is 100% accurate with this comment.

    Trump gets credit for vocalizing what normal folks are thinking and saying. But we've had a thin skinned baby camped out in DC since 2009. Donald should have manned up!

    Imagine a hitter unwilling to come out of the dugout to face a particular pitcher.

    Imagine a QB unwilling to suit up because he'd face a talented defense, or a defender unwilling to play because the QB was on a hot streak.

    In 'Murica we put on our big boy or big girl pants and face the challenge head on. The Donald muffed this play.

  6. Cher needs to go back to bed and leave politics alone.

  7. Fox news is all about Bush, Bush, Bush and I am beginning to really hate Fox.

  8. $6,million plus in 24 hrs for our vets f Fox news.

  9. Listening to Cher is like listening to my cat.

  10. 11:05, Cruz was mocking Trump. DUH!

  11. Cher go back and take care of "chaz" or whatever the hell the kid's name is.

  12. and he laughs all the way to the bank...6 million for the vets. They wouldn't get that from FOX.

  13. Cher calling Trump a 'Diva'?! There's the pot calling the kettle black!

  14. Well, let’s just say this:

    1) Trump is under no obligation nor is it in his best interest to bring forth 24 million viewers to give Ted Cruz or any of the other candidates that much exposure and a forum from which to springboard and grandstand.

    2) Trump is under no obligation nor is it in his best interest to subject himself to insulting questions. Tough questions are fine, it’s insulting ones that are not. It is not in his best interest to both pay for the debate (with viewers) and let them also trap him to humiliate or mock him.


    Trump made a wise decision. Not in Cher's wildest dreams could or will she ever wield so much power.

  15. Thanks, Cher! I'm always on the edge of my seat waiting for one of your golden thoughts.

  16. Dear Cher,

    Love ya and don't like The Donald. ON THE OTHER HAND, Fox is a joke and maybe it is a good thing to hold the media accountable for the circus THEY have created with these debates, on top of what comes naturally through the candidates.

    And true the comment above. "A chick"? That's a pretty demeaning thing to call a woman who's a journalist and a man would have been skewered for saying that. (I'm a "chick.")

    If that is your opinion of Kelly, then you have confirmed The Donald's right to blow off the debate for the lack of professionalism and time waste it would be.

    I may have to vote for my dog this election.

  17. She's the one who shoulda hit the tree while skiing.


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