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Friday, January 29, 2016

THE UNTHINKABLE? Hillary, Bernie not shy about plans to raise taxes

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the observation that nothing is certain “except death and taxes.”

Bernie Sanders would probably agree, and then some. In an election season marked by populist anger, his plan to raise at least $19.58 trillion in higher taxes over 10 years -- almost 20 times the tax hikes Hillary Clinton proposes -- has not dulled his rise.

And, despite the anti-tax fervor of the Tea Party wave a few years ago, neither Democratic candidate seems shy about pushing an aggressive tax plan in their presidential primary battle.

"Raising taxes in the Democratic primary is a vote winner," said Grover Norquist, of the anti-tax Americans for Tax Reform.

Sanders, for one, was defiant about his proposed tax hikes at a CNN town hall on Monday.

"I start off with the premise that in the last 30 years ... there's been a massive redistribution of wealth in this country," Sanders said. "It's gone from working families, trillions of dollars, to the top one-tenth of 1 percent."



  1. Do you honestly think we can put any one of these candidates in office without them raising taxes....?????

    If so....I have a bridge I want to sell you. Really great deal!!

  2. The socialist society will tax you to pay for the non-working , and illegals , and everything that is defined as communist.

  3. So, 11:25, you're willing to forgive and forget the rest of the politicians (ALL of them someone's "guy" who was going to "change things") who were sent to Washington and did nothing but SPEND money we didn't have?
    Note: you and I would go to PRISON for running the schemes THEY have been playing on "we, the people".
    The people who like Sanders look like they don't pay any taxes anyway, so what would they know about how we got 19 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. And what will happen when we DOUBLE it.
    Keep cheering.

  4. anyone who votes for either of these two is a frigging idiot!

  5. we have to pay more taxes for all those who are getting ready to be unemployed after voting for one of these 2 fools

  6. Hillary needs to watch out for the dog catcher


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