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Saturday, January 09, 2016

The Punch Donald Trump Needs To Throw At Bill Clinton


There’s an utterly ridiculous debate taking place in presidential politics this week regarding sexism. You know … because apparently an $18.8 trillion national debt, rampant joblessness, porous borders and radical jihad are too depressing to think about.

Ready? Here goes …

Presumed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton bashed GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump for being sexist. Trump responded by pointing out Clinton’s husband, former president Bill Clinton, pretty much invented that particular “-ism.”

Hillary rushed to protect her husband and … well, advantage Trump.

But if Trump really wants to have some fun at Bill Clinton’s expense, he ought to delve into his economic legacy. Wait … what? Didn’t Clinton preside over the last period of real prosperity in the United States?

Yes … but …

On the way out of office, Clinton’s administration authorized a massive ramp-up in “affordable housing” lending which led – eventually – to the “Great Recession” of 2007-09. Even better for Trump? This $2.4 trillion expansion in ill-conceived home loan mandates (which helped usher in the collapse of America’s sub-prime lending market) was based on the demonstrably untrue belief that minorities were being denied equal access to home loans.

Yeah … political correctness spawned the “Great Recession” people. Look it up.



  1. I just saw on TV a couple of days ago Hillary announcing that she was going "to get to the bottom of Area 51."

    Is that America's biggest problem?

    I didn't get that memo...

  2. How many of those minorities defaulted? Lots. And it left them in worse shape than they were in before they bought into the subprime game.

  3. Trust me on this one,you may never know how important the Area 51 issue is.Our very existence may soon depend on it, because our world has outgrown the ability of human beings to repair.We watch the debates and we vote,but seriously speaking deep down we know it's completely out of our control and has been for many years.Even way back when Area 51 and other facilities were built,someone knew we would eventually need outside assistance.Those facilities of which I speak will eventually serve as their command central.Anyone who stands on a stage and claims they can fix it all is disillusioned.

  4. Nanticoke is our area "51" , secret , don't try to guess , muddy hole will get cha .

  5. 9:50, And who would be in charge of "Command Central" as you put it? Someone other than the President? I think our biggest issues are who we make our President and other leaders, keeping our borders secure and our voting process secure and pure. Also keeping jobs in America and our economy strong so we can afford o great defensive military.

    If we have a strong, patriotic leadership dedicated to our Constitution, Area 51 will be a part of that.

  6. Oh, but don't forget how Clinton gave China missile guidance technology thru a company called Doral, and gave North Korea nuclear technology. Clinton....scratch that. Bill and Hillary Clinton should be in jail!

  7. Most definitely Clinton was solely responsible for the housing bubble that occurred 10 years later. Reno actually threatened prosecution to banks not wanting to underwrite bad paper. This is something completely lost on the voters, largely due to misinformation seeping out of the media outlets at the time.

    Do you think Hillary would advocate anything different? I think not.


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