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Friday, January 15, 2016

The Oregon Armed Militia Would Like You to Stop Sending Them Dildos, Please

They just wanted some Miracle Whip. ​

A leader with the ranchers in Oregon that took over a federal building earlier this month posted a video complaining about the sheer volume of dildos and other sex-related products the group has recently received. The ranchers seized the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge, a federal building, in protest of the conviction of two ranchers found guilty of arson. The group, whose members have said they are willing to die for their cause, recently released a list of items they said they needed in order to survive the standoff.

They asked for things like blankets, tampons, Miracle Whip, and the all important coffee additive "French vanilla creamer." But then the Internet got a hold of their list and decided to have some fun. Apparently, a lot of people also decided to send them dildos.

That didn't sit too well with Jon Ritzheimer, an organizer within the group. "It's sad that there are people who would spend this kind of money on this rather than spending it to do good in the world," he wrote in the caption for the video.



  1. Any time we spend money we are doing good unfortunately perhaps because sometimes people are spending that money on beer and so forth just like with the dildos and the postage to send them these items.
    But they are always contributing to peoples livelihoods. The video guy should have probably laughed about the hate gifts.

    In addition...

    Foolish me it didn't occur to me there would be haters sending them stuff but any of us who spend anytime on line should know you always have haters and supporters and both can get to you equally if you expose yourself.

  2. One word comes to mind: eBay.

  3. you know, whatever their reasons, and I think some of them are valid, it is good to see people stand up to government overreach, tyranny and oppression.

    instead of ridicule, they should be supported and helped to resolve any problems in a peaceful manner. the gov't WANTS someone to fire a shot. they know how to deal with that. they don't know how to deal with anyone calling them out on their schemes and lies.

  4. We should all be supporting them. Sickening how America has been lost

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We should all be supporting them. Sickening how America has been lost

    January 15, 2016 at 4:29 PM

    They are too busy 'going along to get along'.


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