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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Texas Grand Jury Indicts Center for Medical Progress Filmmakers, but Not Planned Parenthood

A Harris County grand jury indicted David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress and Sandra Merritt for their roles in the release of undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives on Monday.

Both Daleiden and Merritt were indicted for tampering with a governmental record.

The grand jury issued an additional indictment for Daleiden for prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs.

The grand jury did not indict Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.



  1. what else would you expect from this government

  2. That's because the filmmakers committed fraud.

  3. It's an upside down world!

  4. Did you know one of the Harris country prosecutors serves on the board for Planned Parenthood? Tell me again about how the rule of law isnt dead.

  5. They were uncover. Does anyone know the process of doing undercover work? Totally absurd.

  6. PP is guilty as heck here, and their busters are totally innocent. Charges are one thing, convictions are still another!

  7. So lets say that I sold drugs to an undercover cop. Does this ruling mean that I can walk away scott free and the cop will be charged with fraud for not saying, "I'm a cop"


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