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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

SPORTS Mother of Fallen Soldier Rendered Speechless for Nearly 10 Seconds as She Tries to Process Who Is Suddenly in Her Living Room

It was already a week to remember for Margaret Anderson.

She watched as the Broadway High School football team played in honor of her son, a fallen soldier killed while serving his country in Afghanistan in 2010. Head coach Brad Lutz made it so every year the last game of the season is reserved specifically to honor Army Spc. Brian “Bucky” Anderson, a real hometown hero in the Harrisonburg, Virginia, area.

Little did she know, there was a much bigger surprise in store.

As Anderson spoke with the head coach at her home about the importance of remembering her son and also Brett Favre, her favorite NFL football player, someone snuck into her home.


Watch the video by clicking 'More' 


  1. Thanks for posting this. Great story.

  2. The Blaze... it never stops loading with all the moving ads. I can't watch the video there. Is there a Youtube link?


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