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Monday, January 25, 2016

SPD Press Release 1-25-16 (Armed Robbery Investigation-McDonalds)


  1. Betcha it was Mike Rowe. He totally got away with that bank robbery last month. :)

    1. What a joke salisbury!! We're in a full blown heroin outbreak 20-30 overdoses a week, yet we're led by the last and current mayor's close friends the top position of administrator held by a man discharged for failed drug test, still hired by city only to fail one while employed on city construction Crew only to be promoted to top position. Wonder why the city seems so unsafe with shootings and robberies? How about using funds to take back streets and get some treatment options instead of all the crazy development ideas for downtown so Mr Day can pad his resume for future political career? Same old good old boy system

  2. Are you surprised? City's top positions being filled by mayors close friends and the top position city administrator filled by man discharged from military for failed drug test, still hired by the city only to fail another drug test while working on city's construction Crew. Nice!!! 20-30 heroine overdoses a week but the concern is to try to resuscitate downtown to pad Day's resume fir future politics. Why not try and make salisbury safer get some better treatment and resources got the heroine outbreak?? Hey mayor I'm sure our homeless population downtown around library could use some help

  3. Lots of police by old train station tonight.

  4. This is what happens when the police chief doesn't have a clue and runs all the veteran officers out so she can fill the ranks with scared yes men.

  5. Just give them the money they need to OD on. Then go out and buy even sheetier cameras and place them where they have absolutely no chance of getting any helpful photos so your employee finally gets killed by an "unknown subject".

    Good idea.

    Thanks for these useless photos.

  6. 8:30

    It's spelled heroin. No one will take u seriously if u can't even spell. Idiot.

  7. Yea that's the problem misspelling heroin


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