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Monday, January 18, 2016

Should Student Absences Be Excused?

Should Student Absences Be Excused?If parents are weary of sending their children to school, an online petition is...
Posted by The Dispatch on Monday, January 18, 2016
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  1. Should be excused for a reasonable amount of time while an investigation is conducted, if a parent decides they don't want their child in school. However, keeping up with the curriculum would be up to the parent while the student is out under this condition.

  2. Seriously? This has been going on across the US for months, MONTHS! The school systems can't close schools indefinitely until the case is closed, and I highly doubt they'll be able to pinpoint where the calls are originating.

  3. Excused and unexcused absences are are defined in the Maryland Code of Regulations or COMAR. This is set by the state legislators and voted in as law.

  4. I wouldn't send my kids to schools until the perp is caught,period.

    And it damned well better be excused!

  5. Maybe they should security sweep each school every morning, and do a backpack check like they do at museums. And no, I am not being sarcastic.

  6. Make sure that they all have laptops or whatever in their homes and do classes via video conferencing. Attending a brick and mortar establishment is just a way to herd them all together and provide babysitting services.

  7. The absences related to terrorism should all be excused.

  8. I like 11:36's solution. A lot of businesses are now having their people work from their homes i.e. "telecommute". As long as you have a cell phone and laptop with internet access and maybe a scanner/fax a lot can be accomplished. This would also help with the growing discipline problem. Kids that don't want to learn can be thugs or whatever their parents allow them to be while serious kids that want to learn (with parents that care) can learn without interruption. This also gives caring parents a better idea of what is being taught taught to the students and a chance to give input when things get a little too warped (common core, liberal brainwashing, etc.)

  9. I'm a mother of a student thats in Berlin md . I didn't send my child to school. She's 7 years old. And when I went to school on Friday to get her, I seen this blank scared look on my child's face. A look no parent wants to see on there child . So with that being said , they need to do something . How they did the pick up from school on Friday night , after the student and parents were allowed back in the school were stupid. They let anyone in and out of them doors. Hello what did our children just go through. Then the principal look at someone and say should we be taken names .ummm hello you should be standing to the door taking names .


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