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Saturday, January 02, 2016

Shore Projects Score Big With State Rehab Grants; Resort Hotel Demo Project Gets $200K Boost

OCEAN CITY — Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s administration this week announced over $11 million in effective neighborhood revitalization and job creation programs to local jurisdictions all over the state including several in Worcester County and around the Lower Shore.

Hogan announced on Tuesday the roughly $11 million in grants will be made available to local jurisdictions, including Ocean City, Berlin and Snow Hill and Worcester and also Wicomico County.

The neighborhood revitalization grants generally fall under two major categories including the Community Legacy Program and the Strategic Demolition Fund, although there is also a category dubbed the Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative.

“My administration is committed to revitalizing Maryland’s older communities,” said Hogan. “These grants will help local communities make necessary improvements while paving the way for additional public and private investments in their neighborhoods and along their streets.”


1 comment:

  1. How about some affordable housing in OC? Even poor people should be able to live at the beach.


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