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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sen. Sessions Pushes for Tough GOP Immigration Stance

“How can it be possible that the demands of 92 percent of our electorate are not merely ignored, but sabotaged?”

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is pressing GOP lawmakers to take a tougher and more restrictive stance on immigration as Republicans prepared for their annual retreat later this week to lay out their policy agenda.

In a Dear Colleague letter, Sessions and Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) take a distinctly populist tone on immigration, calling it the “one policy that most separates the views of the GOP’s voters from the party’s biggest donors.”

Framing the issue in economic and national security terms, the two conservative Republicans urged their colleagues to pursue legislation this year to tighten up various immigration laws — an unlikely prospect on the Hill this year but a view that is gaining traction in the Republican presidential primary.

“If we want to lay out a ‘bold, conservative agenda’ and demonstrate that we serve the voters — and not the special interests — we should begin by advancing bills to reduce out-of-control immigration,” Sessions and Brat wrote, in a not-so-subtle reference to the title of Speaker Paul Ryan’s policy agenda.



  1. We don't have to tighten immigration laws, we just have to enforce the ones we have now. That has not been done because of Obama and his third world type of government.

  2. Always during an election year thearlier rinos want to come out and talk tough. For the last seven years and most recently they passed the bill giving oBama EVERYTHING. Now they want to get tough. SMH!!!

  3. When enforcing the law of the country is construed as "BOLD" then we have much to worry about. This could be equated to, "Murderers should be given a pass because the donors like them because they can be a nice cheap labor pool for lack of options."


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