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Friday, January 15, 2016

School Safety Announcement Regarding Empty BB Gun on Grounds of Wicomico Middle

An empty BB gun was found on the Wicomico Middle School property the morning of Friday, Jan. 15. As the school day was about to begin Friday, staff members became aware that there was a BB gun on campus. Wicomico Middle’s school resource officer from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and school officials conducted a search. At 9:22 a.m. the empty BB gun was located on top of a trailer outside the school. The BB gun was not loaded and had not been used to threaten anyone. Any students who are found to have been involved with the BB gun being at the school will face discipline according to the Code of Conduct. The investigation is continuing.


  1. Back in the sixties every young boy had one, don't these people have better things to worry about.

  2. You're right, we did have them but back then there weren't gangs and gun violence like we have now. There weren't armed deputies roaming the school halls. Go ahead, bring your BB pistol to school and walk around the corner. Deputy sees you carrying a weapon what do you think is going to happen? Deputy doesn't know if it's real from a distance.
    Can't fix stupid.

  3. what do you think will happen??

    Everyone knows "you'll shoot your eye out Ralphie!"

  4. Yes, if there's one thing Wicomico schools are tough on, it's discipline. Right.

  5. Sad that its come to that. when i was child i talked on a cord and was allowed bb guns


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