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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sanders: 'We will raise taxes, yes we will'

Asked about the cost of his healthcare plan, Bernie Sanders said he would raise taxes but that the middle class would end up better off in the end.

"We will raise taxes, yes we will," Sanders said at CNN's Democratic town hall in Iowa Monday night. "But also let us be clear, Chris: There's a little bit of disingenunity out there. We may raise taxes but we are also going to eliminate private health insurance premiums for individuals and for businesses."

The democratic socialist candidate went on to explain that it is essential for the United States to adopt single-payer as "we are the only country on Earth that allows private insurance to rip us off."



  1. Okay all you libtards out there, I have a question for you.

    How much taxes is enough?

  2. One thing I have to give him, over Hillary anyway, he's honest. OK, he's also spineless and will warp the facts but Hillary will lie to your face!

  3. As a good Commie would do. Answer to how much is enough: when you just give your paycheck to the government, the commies know how to spend it better than you do.

  4. Seeking total bureaucratic control over you life.

  5. My guess is taxes in the higher brackets would be
    75% of income.

  6. BUT with Bernies plan EVERYONE will pay taxes....even the 1%.

    And you guys think that the other candidates won't raise your taxes?

  7. Work to pay the lazy ass thugs to stay home.

  8. Newsflash 2:23,most of the 1% don't even file personal taxes,they live through their charitable foundations.The late billionaire Kirk Kerkorian hadn't filed a personal tax return since 1960.


  9. Yo, Bernie. We will vote for someone else, who isn't a lifelong commie/socialist. Yes we will!


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