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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Salisbury City Council Agenda & Packet For 1-11-16

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  1. Oh Boy! Another opportunity for Manure Bota to act important after a long day at Walmart!!

  2. Can someone please keep track of how many meetings and work sessions Congresswoman Ireton is missing while campaigning. If we have some significant numbers we can formulate a recall petition and this one should be easy.

  3. I see that lying Douche Bag Josh Hastings will be at the meeting telling some fantasies about how great his girlfriend Ireton has cleaned up the River.

    Healthy Waters Round Table Action Plan – presented by: Alan Girard, Eastern Shore Director and Erik Fisher, AICP, Maryland Land Use Planner, Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Josh Hastings, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Policy Manager; Amanda Pollack, City of Salisbury Public Works Deputy Director; Keith Hall, Salisbury-Wicomico Planning & Zoning Transportation and Long Range Planner

  4. $20,000+ dollars for marketing and promoting downtown and only $5,000 dollars for the Wicomico Narcotics Task Force?

    Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

  5. Did anyone else pick up on the "Community Organizer" Title?

    Definitely a bunch of Obama loving Left Wing Nuts.



    Healthy Waters Round Table Action Plan – presented by: Alan Girard, Eastern Shore Director and Erik Fisher, AICP, Maryland Land Use Planner, Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Josh Hastings, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Policy

  6. More wast of hard earned city tax dollars to that $14,000,000 Fire Palace in the Ghetto

    Ordinance No. 2368 – 2nd reading - approving a budget amendment of the FY
    2016 Fire Department Budget to transfer funds from the City’s General Fund surplus to the Fire Department’s Buildings account

    1. Who owned the guetto land which was a swamp $

  7. Oh Great! Ron Alessi on the Zoo Commission. Just what we need.

  8. Let's see Kevin Lindsay gets spanked in the City Election so they want appoint him to the Salisbury City Parks and Recreation Committee?? I thought the voters already said we didn't want him to serve us.

  9. Ok can someone please explain what the mean by "Streamline emergency services for the city?" What is emergency services?

    This is in the "Goal Setting" Session.

  10. 11:24
    Read it again. It looks like the Tast Force is giving the city money to purchase a K-9.

  11. Either way, 1:44PM, it is ridiculous. $20,000 to market the downtown area in this economy and job milieu is just ridiculous.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Who owned the guetto land which was a swamp $

    January 10, 2016 at 3:23 PM

    In reference to?

  13. I just looked at the minutes and rest the "Goals" what ever that means. There were several times they talked about the schools. Are those idiots that stupid that they don't know that the schools are the County and the BOE's problem, not the city's. And who is going to listen to anything those 6 clowns from the Salisbury City council has to say anyway.

  14. The Mayor and Council always putting their nose in the County's business where it don't belong.

    The best goal for Salisbury is to dissolve their Charter and let the County run the government.


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