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Friday, January 29, 2016

Rupert Murdoch Urges Michael Bloomberg to Run for President

Rupert Murdoch is urging former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to throw his hat in the ring and run for president.

"This is Bloomberg's last chance," the billionaire media mogul tweeted Wednesday morning. "You never know until your hat is in the ring!"

Murdoch added, in what may be a veiled reference to Donald Trump's planned boycott of Thursday's GOP presidential debate on his Fox News Channel: "Events change everything, especially during elections."



  1. Murdoch is the king of Tabloid Rag, so that is the kiss of death for Bloomberg for me.

  2. democrats running scared. And they thought Hillary was a shoe in. There is a new sheriff in town. Trump for 2016

  3. This is proves why Fox news is going after Trump, they are POS.

  4. Yes it would appear FOX is showing their true colors
    Too bad only MSM I still had respect for.
    They too are flexing muscle because Trump didn't bow to the Maiden.
    It really only had to do with respect which she showed little of. And repeated her asinine inquisition on the others last night. They should have all just ignored her questions. she would look much better at CNN, but even they show more respect than FOX

  5. What a Turd Monkey. I wish someone would start a real Conservative News Network like Fox is supposed to be. It's getting to the point that I can't stand Fox more and more every day. Megyn Kelly and Glen Beck.... Barf!!

  6. Glen Beck the Mormon Yale graduate is showing his true colors, today he announced he is to be interviewed by Megyn Kelly and Anderson Cooper so he can trash Trump. His show wastes hours of airtime in the afternoon on our local talk radio, I'm sure they can find someone better than that clown. Trump is causing the closet liberals pretending to be conservatives to come out of the woodwork like cockroaches.

    1. The whole Fox team is turning on trump to show there loyalty to the CEO Rodger Ailes, I mean fails.

  7. I hope he runs this will drain votes from Hitler, I mean Hillary.

    1. Yes I agree BUT I have a HUGE issue with the CEO of Fox news rooting for a Democrat, he may have a plan to back someone but it should be kept Quiet he looks like a Backstabber to republicans.

  8. 3:06-Probably so,but who it drains votes from will be determined by which stance Bloomberg takes.As I understand,that party owes no loyalty to Republicans or Democrats.He could go either way.


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