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Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Reuters: Lawsuits Ready To Shut Down Executive Gun Control

On January 3, Reuters reported that Freedom Watch will be filing a lawsuit against Obama’s executive gun control as soon as it’s issued.

The two central tenets of the executive gun control under consideration are an expansion of background checks to cover more private gun sellers and more reporting requirements for federally licensed firearms dealers.

According to Reuters, Freedom Watch is approaching Obama’s executive action on guns the same way his executive action on illegal immigrants was approached. They will file suit and seek to stop the implementation of the executive gun controls based on their conviction that Obama “lacks the authority to change the legal definition of who must obtain a dealer’s license.”

And Freedom Watch will “almost certainly” not be alone. Gun rights groups are also expected to file suits to stop Obama’s actions on the grounds that he has no authority to take them.

Reuters believes Obama might avoid lawsuits only by issuing executive orders that are “advisory” in nature rather than binding. “This would be advisory and lack the force of law, which would mean that prosecutors could not rely on it when pursuing small gun dealers.”


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