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Monday, January 25, 2016

Priebus: Hillary Wants Email Delay 'Until After Votes Are Counted'

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus scolded the Obama administration Friday after the State Department asked a federal court for a one-month extension in releasing the last of Hillary Clinton's emails, accusing the White House of protecting the Democratic front-runner ahead of voting in critical early states.

"It's clear that the State Department's delay is all about ensuring any further damaging developments in Hillary Clinton's email scandal are revealed only after the votes are counted in the early nominating states," Priebus said.

"The American people should be outraged at the Obama administration's gamesmanship to protect someone who recklessly exposed classified information on more than 1,300 occasions, including highly sensitive top secret intelligence."

Citing a complex review of emails across different federal agencies, the State Department asked the court for the additional time to publish the last of Clinton's messages during her time as secretary of state.

The department wouldn't be able to meet its court-mandated goal of Jan. 29, spokesman Mark Toner said.

About 9,400 of 55,000 pages are left, but he said those remaining "contain a large amount of material that required inter-agency review."



  1. She may want to wait until the voting in Iowa is done but it makes no difference the outcome. She has broken the law. Plain and simple. She is not immune from being indicted and held accountable - no one is; however, the difference with most is they understand their accountability is a potential eventuality. With Clinton, the psychopath she is, believes she is above the law. The jig is up. The chickens are very likely flying in as we speak.

  2. I'm sure that she does want a delay! She'd just like it all to go away.
    Well, Hil, if you don't want things to come back and bit you in your more than ample hindquarters, don't give them teeth.

  3. They are going to do anything to Hilary. She will still be running for President and people will be stupid enough to vote for her

    1. and obama will pardon her b4 he leaves office...along w holder and a bunch of other democrat crooks..

  4. 10:25
    You are correct
    I also don't see how anyone would be surprised at anything the current administration does lol

  5. 1:00pm
    What I'm truly surprised at is Congress allowing this POS POTUS to continue as President. They should have tossed him years ago. I blame our Congress for what he's done, is doing and is going to do.

  6. Yeah, and I want my burglary and assault case postponed until after the wedding.

  7. Yeah, and I want my burglary and assault case postponed until after the wedding.


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