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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Police Claim It’s Unconstitutional to Mandate Drug Testing on Officers

Well, here’s an interesting case of irony if there ever was one. The city of Pittsburgh has had a civil right grievance filed against it by police officers claiming that mandatory drug testing violates their constitutional rights, not to mention violates their contracts.

There are three primary reasons an officer might usually be tested: 1) If he/she was suspected of being under the influence of something while on duty, 2) If that officer is involved in a traffic accident, and 3) If that officer fires his/her weapon.

The police claim that this unconstitutionality only applies to them, and not the public they serve and protect. Their argument becomes even more ironic when they claim that mandatory drug testing is an example of illegal search and seizure, and that police would be being forced to give up their constitutional rights to protect the city from civil liability.

This all came about after a car chase in which a crash occurred. It turned out that just being involved in a chase, whether a crash occurred or not, was reason enough to seek a drug test.



  1. Good, now that that's settled, let's end drug testing for everyone!

  2. Amazing. Forced to undergo testing I.e. blood tests ,when suspected of DUI in an accident ad a civilian. Testing for any injury at work etc.... But not the pigs. Wish this was up earlier today to get the proper attention it deserves. Scum bags always have double standards. Ghetto scum or blue scum. All the same. Scum!

  3. all government employees should have to be drug tested. period

  4. It's required for truck drivers driving a 12,000 pound truck, even if you are 65, go to church, never been charged with any crimes and served in the armed forces. big trucks can be 80,000 lbs. So you're telling me a cop that can be in a high speed police chase, carrying a gun should not be required to be drug tested. Give me a break.

    1. Going to church or being old, is not evidence of anything.

  5. it all started when cops were allowed to engage in criminal activity in order to prosecute criminals .

  6. A two tier society where rules which apply to the masses do not apply to civil employees? Since when has this country start have a class of elitist?

  7. It's because cops are engaged in criminal activity. Everyone one of them. Even the silent " good " ones are guilty.

  8. Uh, well since non-cops don't get drug tested for being in car chases (or do car chases either) it isn't the same thing, bit whatever.

  9. Every large police agency I know of in Maryland has mandatory random testing. I really thought this was a national standard.

  10. the only standard for being employed by the police agencies in this country is having the willingness to do what you are told regardless of whether it is right or wrong!

  11. 5:52 AM - Or if you are a good cop and stand up when they are wrong you are punished and chastised by your peers. Wake up world, this is the way it is everywhere now.

  12. There is nothing unconstitutional about this, it is a condition of employment. Don't want to get tested after firing you weapon? No problem, you're fired!

  13. This, from the same people who claim it's perfectly okay to force someone to provide a DNA sample BEFORE being convicted of a crime, take involuntary blood samples from accident victims (were they using drugs???), and have regular "campaigns" against citizens who MAY, possibly, somehow, be under the influence.
    They, too, know and promote the "two sets of laws" philosophy. I laugh when they talk that "illegal search" crap. I also laugh at their convoluted and twisted logic as they try to explain to "we, the people" why police don't have to follow the laws they so adamantly enforce. "WE ARE THE POLICE!!" is NOT a logical retort as to why there are different laws for different groups of people and different punishments for the same crime, depending on which group one might be associated with......
    Keep cheering!


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