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Thursday, January 28, 2016

People Are Outraged That A White Actor Is Going To Play Michael Jackson In A New Film

People are outraged that a white actor has been cast to play Michael Jackson in a new film.

Joseph Fiennes will play the King of Pop in a British film about him taking a road trip with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando in order to escape New York after 9/11.

Fiennes confirmed his role during an interview this week.

“I got the script the other day,” Fiennes said. “It’s a challenge. It’s a comedy.”‘



  1. Why??? Michael Jackson never wanted to be black, that's why he spent millions on plastic surgery and skin bleaching. A white guy playing a black guy is no more ridiculous than a black guy pretending to be an Hawaiian-American born christian.

  2. Can't wait to see him moonwalk and clutch his crotch.

  3. Why aren't Black lives matter protesting Hollywood?

  4. No one had a problem when Wayan brothers played white girls. Hypocrites and racist is what they have become. Michael Hated Blacks and loved kids if you know what I am saying.

    The only thing I don't get is whites always trying to get darker all summer. Hmmmmmmmmmm specially white girls

  5. I'm with the first response. Why?

  6. If you research this movie a little you'll find that it's not actually a true to life biographical work. It's actually a tongue in cheek comedy about a hypothetical road trip that Jackson takes with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando.
    These folks need to take a breath, chill out and remember the old days when everyone had a sense of humor.

  7. All people aren't upset just black people. That why they call it acting.

  8. Joseph is going to do a great job.

  9. I agree with 8:27 he himself wanted to be white, and made sure his children were more white than black, he was a racist not the things he said but his actions proved it. Any man who denounces his own
    race in appearance and actions, rapes young boys (yes he did settle all but one out of court)he was a freak, a talented singer yes, he made many hit songs, but eventually his actions discusted me and others.

  10. It was ok to make "The Wiz"' with all blacks for the Wizard of Oz remake. Whiners.

  11. 8;03 They are trying to get a TAN not become black. There is a difference. Or don't you know that?


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