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Thursday, January 28, 2016

OUR VIEW: Problem? Seal it with a kiss

In the end, it all boils down to education. And anyone who needs a common sense solution to a nagging problem should look no further than the big to-do over the Whitesboro village seal.

The seal is a poorly drawn rendering of a wrestling match that supposedly took place way back when between Whitesboro founder Hugh White and an Oneida chief. Yes, it looks like White is strangling the Oneida. An altered version done in the 1970s isn’t much better.

Contrary to what some would argue, this seal was never about racism. Those who pushed that agenda need to get over it.

Nevertheless, The Daily Show got wind of it — no big scoop, the controversy has been bubbling to the surface now and then for many years — and decided it’d make a funny. Ha. Ha. It aired last Thursday on Comedy Central and gleaned national attention, putting Whitesboro on the nasty map and embarrassing the good people in that community.



  1. That rendering of the town seal looks like a twelve year old painted it. And it does look like the settler is choking the Indian. Maybe actually paying a professional might be an idea, rather than having a locals only contest.

  2. Likely done by a middle or high school student who won a contest...much like Wicomico! After calling it "poorly drawn," it is probably no wonder no one is saying who drew it.

    The picture is the town's founder who won a friendly wrestling match with the Oneida Indian.

    Glad the Mayor and the Oneida Nation are handling it so well, unlike just about everyone else.

  3. It's nice that these people can see the humor in this, and not go over the deep end for some bizarre sense of being offended.


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