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Friday, January 15, 2016

Our Next President Must Be Able To Create Jobs

While no one will argue security is a major topic, job creation is something we must regain control of in the immediate future.

We hear local politicians proclaiming as their top issue, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Yet NONE has delivered. 

When I look at the Presidential hopefuls, only one stands out and that's Donald Trump. "We don't need free trade, we need fair trade". 

Making America great again is a great saying, it sounds and feels good. However, it reminds me of that Hope and Change crap we were fed several years ago. Again, however, I truly believe Trump can turn this country around and lead us back to massive production and guess what, WE'RE GOING TO NEED JUST THAT. 

Once the wars end and we stop spending billions of dollars in war related supplies, how many jobs will be lost. This is something NO OTHER candidate can recover from, let alone the country. Hillary isn't going to save America, she's going to line her pockets and blame the financial crash on just about anything she can. 

Can we really afford to elect someone who talks about Jobs, Jobs, Jobs but offers absolutely NO SOLUTIONS to a recovery? Trump is the only one qualified to make America great again and frankly it's a shame anyone has to actually say such a thing.


  1. Trump for President!

  2. Joe, I am a Trump supporter but I feel that the title of this post is misleading and smacks of liberalism. Presidents shouldn't be creating jobs in a capitalist society. In a socialist nation....yes. The government needs to get out of the way and let private industry do what it does best....grow. The president should level the playing field between our nation and other nations and create an atmosphere of fair trade but the private sector will be the job creator.

  3. President's do not create jobs... they create an business environment that is conducive to job creation... low taxes, regulations that do not strangle business---Obama has destroyed the business climate and that is why we are suffering.

  4. 9:02, How many candidates have a business background? Strike that. How many of them have a successful and proven business background?

    By getting rid of free trade, America will instantly create millions of jobs. Big companies will stop packing up and leaving for other countries.

    For example. Toyota is allowed to bring in millions of vehicles. Yes, the total has a cap. However, when they reached that cap they simply created another company that now has the ability to sell just as many vehicles. American made vehicles can only ship a hundred thousand cars into that same country and it's just not FAIR. Hence "Fair Trade". That goes for EVERYTHING being brought into America.

    Again, we're not talking about little deals, I'm talking about trillions of lost dollars and ultimately millions of jobs.

    The media needs to once and for all ask, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CREATE JOBS. I can see Hillary, uh, well, isn't America just great. Sanders, we don't need more jobs, we need more free trade. Use your heads Folks. It's time we bring a business person into the White House.

  5. Governments can not create jobs. The best that can happen is for government to get out of the way and let the free market work.

  6. "How many of them have a successful and proven business background?"

    Answer: None. Like most local "business" people, inheriting a cash generating business that you don't need to manage, then failing at every other venture does not make someone a successful business person. FFS, are people really this dumb??

  7. This time, mere rhetoric will simply not do. Job creation and National Security are paramount here and it's time these candidates embrace it with real actions. Words are something that are disposable - even in this technological age - but actions are still the reigning forces. People need to look at the actions not the words and vote for 'results.'

    Unfortunately, I do not believe most of the Republican candidates have created jobs with the exception of Trump.

  8. Create jobs is becoming a broken record for campaigns and then we see nothing.

  9. Last night Trump stated repeatedly that the Dems would file a lawsuit against Cruz over the birther issue.Up until he said that I was going to vote for him.He kept saying it and insisted he was serious.That was upsetting to me because a lawsuit over that issue is not possible and he seriously did not know it.

  10. President [I hope} Trump will try his best to make headway to make America great again. It is our job to not only elect Trump but to house-clean congress at this same election. Let's give Trump some good American congressmen to work with. "Let it be said. Let it be done" if I may quote Caesar.


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