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Thursday, January 28, 2016

O'Reilly Urges Miffed Trump to Reconsider, Join Fox Debate

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly scolded Donald Trump on his show Wednesday, telling the GOP presidential front-runner his skipping the Fox News debate is not helpful to the country.

"I don't think not showing up at the debate tomorrow night is good for America," O'Reilly said. "Voters are still assessing you. They need to see you in high-profile situations."

Trump had scheduled the interview on "The O'Reilly Factor" last week and honored his commitment to show up despite his spat with Fox News, which Trump accused of being childish in taunting him with a press release that he would face tougher challenges than debate moderator Megyn Kelly if elected.



  1. Looks like Fox is getting desperate! Getting O'Reilly to do their dirty work for them and beg Trump to do the debates. Even trying to call in favors!
    Pride on fox's part may be their downfall along with all the other mainstream media outlets!

  2. O did not stop yelling long enough to let T tell his reasoning

  3. Trump has already won tonight's debate before it even happened. The whole debate will be nothing more than questions about what DT has said and about why he wont show up. This leaves the door the open for more bickering and more chances for Kasich to tell us he is a governor from Ohio. I hope Donald takes Cruz up on his offer to debate him one-on-one. That will be more interesting and a whole lot closer to an actual debate.

  4. Thank goodness Trump is sticking to his guns.The entertainment value of the debate has gone off the scale.Controversy of this magnitude is an enormous draw.Fox will not regret Trumps decision.New Hampshire will be bigger than ever.Fox should cut Trump a check for this one.Correction;Fox should cut Megan a check for this one.

  5. Watched Fox for 15 yrs Boycotting it now.

  6. A women takes down Fox news.

  7. WHY in the hell would Fox news put on the anti Fox, anti republican ,MICHEAL Moore? .

  8. It is actually very refreshing to see someone that draws a line in the sand to stick by it. Unlike our current president.

  9. 8:37. And Chris Matthews on MSNBC had Ann Coulter on last night. The whole media world is going crazy.

  10. Bill O'Reilly? Really? Who cares what that flip flop clown says.

  11. Joe you need to do a post on why Michael Moore was on magen Kelly and why Ann counter was on msnbc? Fox looks like a bunch of treasonous fools to the republican party.

  12. Good comments but, id be more concerned that your candidate for commander in chief is afraid of the moderator. He's not boycotting anything. He acted like an a$$ and made some nasty comments about her and her bodily functions. He got his face slapped over it and now he's too embarrassed and afraid to face her again. I like Trump but frankly, this is a win for Fox and Megyn Kelly.
    Time to man up Donald. You dish it it you have to be prepared to take it without acting like a five year old.

  13. Here's the funny part that ALL of you refuse to understand. THIS ISN'T ABOUT MEGYN KELLY.

    This is about FOX NEWS and all other media outlets.

    Look, Trump is simply saying, (and he openly admits he hates the main stream media) you claim to be fair and balanced, either do just that or I'm not participating.

    Megyn Kelly broke that mold and Trump isn't scared of her, he just refuses to be treated poorly.

    LOOK, it was OK for Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton to cut off the Daily Times and refuse to do interviews with them. Trump is running for President of the United States, these piss ant reporters are not and they need to show far more respect.

    Trump is funding his own campaign and he has every right to stand up to ANY news source. He's not bought by corporate America or special interests and he does not depend on their financial support. This has NEVER happened before.

    So YOU and FOX News and all the rest of them need to get your heads out of your rear ends and realize this is not about Megyn Kelly.


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