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Friday, January 22, 2016

Obama’s Winter Vacation Costs Hawaii Police Department $341,000 in Overtime Pay

The Hawaii Police Department announced on Thursday the overtime cost for President Barack Obama’s holiday visit.

The total? $341,216.91 — more than $60,000 from the prior year.

The department is responsible for covering the extra costs associated with the president’s annual winter vacation.



  1. Have the feeling this last year of his presidency is going to be one of those "Let's sock it to 'em" situations where he bilks it for everything it's worth.

  2. He and Michelle have from day 1, why would anyone think this years any different?

  3. this guy is just not worth all the security costs, give him a concealed carry permit and let him defend his family like I do. Period.

  4. Anonymous said...
    this guy is just not worth all the security costs, give him a concealed carry permit and let him defend his family like I do. Period.

    January 22, 2016 at 8:59 PM

    no, let's NOT give him a permit, just the gun. let's see how long he lasts

  5. That is their stupidity for paying it. If they didn't do the overtime then BO would have to come up with a different plan maybe go somewhere else that would pay the money.

  6. What is wrong with staying at the White House...we already pay for it

  7. Anonymous said...
    this guy is just not worth all the security costs, give him a concealed carry permit and let him defend his family like I do. Period.

    January 22, 2016 at 8:59 PM

    Why does he deserve a concealed carry permit and I don't? That was dumb!

  8. I don't see why they are peeing and moaning about overtime. Is there a law that says Hawaii has to pay for police protection? They took that upon themselves. When I become Governor see if it happens in Maryland.

  9. Just wait until he retires. Let's see how they complain then!

  10. 6:23 AM, Retires? He never worked a day in his life.

  11. whats the problem here the president is not allowed to take a much needed vacation

  12. He has Secret Service. He shouldn't need any more security. They should be made to travel together and not separate. He should never be armed have armed security since he is trying to take away my rights. He is just another human being that should follow his own demands he puts on others.


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