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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Obama bans solitary confinement for juveniles in fed prisons

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama said Monday he will ban the use of solitary confinement for juvenile and low-level offenders in federal prisons, citing the potential for “devastating, lasting psychological consequences” from the use of the isolation as punishment.

“It has been linked to depression, alienation, withdrawal, a reduced ability to interact with others and the potential for violent behavior,” Obama wrote in an op-ed posted Monday evening on The Washington Post’s website. “Some studies indicate that it can worsen existing mental illnesses and even trigger new ones. Prisoners in solitary are more likely to commit suicide, especially juveniles and people with mental illnesses.”

Obama asked the Justice Department to review the use of solitary confinement last summer, as part of the administration’s increased focus on the criminal justice system. Activists have been pushing for changes to the prison system.



  1. What a puss, criminals get treated better than the elderly. We need harsher punishment for criminals. Waterboarding, asphyxiation, stoning... all good choices if we can't outright delete their existence.

  2. This Guy is a one man army, he thinks he can change anything he wants. I think it is high time he is Stopped

  3. What's the definition of solitary confinement? Segregation has to be maintained for those who are a danger to others, age not a factor.

    1. That's what I'm thinking, too. There are some sexual predators and violent criminals who are going to be a danger to anyone within their reach. And some of those are, unfortunately, children. It's not just for punishment, it's for the protection of others, so the deviate can't victimize anyone else.

  4. How do you protect the rest of the population of children?

  5. He's only doing that so when Hillary gets there, she won't have to be alone, all by herself.

  6. Obama should be held in solitary confinement


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