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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Indiana Law: Hire Illegals, Lose Your Business License

There’s actually quite an easy fix to solving the issue of illegal immigration. All you have to do is enforce the laws, but naturally Democrats and Republicans alike don’t want to do that because it could compromise big money from big donors.

But, this new Indiana state law seems like it would make a great federal law for the entire country.

A new bill introduced in the Indiana General Assembly on Thursday could finally mark the beginning of responsible, citizen-first labor policies in the United States. While the federal government consistently chooses to defy the will and the interests of the people, state governments in many ways still maintain the ability to act on our behalf, if they choose to do so.

The legislation, Senate Bill 285, would be among the strictest in the nation, allowing judges to strip employers of their business licenses upon a third violation of knowingly hiring an illegal alien, already a violation of federal immigration law.

The bill was introduced by State Senator Mike Delph, a Republican representing Carmel, in order to “take away the jobs magnet and remove the financial incentive of unscrupulous business people who profit off of illegal immigration.”



  1. To bad it is only a bill and not a law. Also why allow 3 violations. Make it 2 and automatic loss of business license.

  2. Male bovine manure. Employers and businesses are NOT the problem. In the St.of Md,it is 'legal' to be an illegal alien.
    The IRS gives them tax return cash credits. Gov. gives them welfare and free healthcare. Enforce the immigration laws and seal the border!

  3. Make it 2 strikes and you're out.
    BIG fine on the first strike, on the second, you're out of business.
    If businesses cannot hire these people, fewer of them will stay.

  4. Should also include a year in jail for the owner.


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