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Monday, January 11, 2016

Netanyahu 'Fighting Obama's Plan to be UN Secretary-General'

Kuwaiti newspaper A Jarida reported Friday that US President Barack Obama seeks to be appointed UN secretary general after his second term as US president ends. The newspaper claimed that Obama has been discussing the idea with senior Democrats and Republicans, some of whom are Jewish.

The report, which admittedly appears somewhat far-fetched, has not been confirmed by any other news outlets and does not name any of its sources. It adds that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has learned of Obama's aspirations and that he is opposing them, supposedly telling people he spoke to: "Is it not enough that we have had to live through eight years of Obama's rule, in which he ignored Israel? Now he wants to be in a position to cause us difficulty in the international arenas?"

The newspaper cites what it says are sources close to Netanyahu as allegedly saying that "Obama is the worst president for Israel, the Middle East and Israel's allies – the moderate Arab states."

A Netanyahu confidant reportedly said that Netanyahu intends to scuttle the "Obama project" of being appointed UN Secretary General, and noted that Obama's term in office has been characterized by a closeness to the Muslim Brotherhood, the toppling of Hosni Mubarak's regime in Egypt, and attempts to forge alliances with political Islam.

More here


  1. Netanyahu for president

  2. Obama was the Worst president ever anywhere.

  3. This is so laughably absurd.. the Psychopath-in-Chief now thinks the next logical step is for him to be appointed ruler of the world.

    This man is mentally ill. But with Soros backing him, it will be hard to stop him.

  4. Everyone that has breath should fight this and fight it hard.

  5. now you know why he's been so relentless in destroying the US....kissing the hand of world rulers to gain a high seat...

  6. The United Nations is Joke and has been for years. Obama is a joke and has been for years.

  7. I thought he wanted to be a Supreme Court justice?
    Whatever, dude. Just go on the speech circuit and rake in the bucks and write op-eds...you'll make more $$$

  8. Netanyahu knows full well that Mossad created the Brotherhood to do Israel's bidding in Arab states.

  9. Obama move back to chicago with your X thug friends.

  10. He tried to be the king of America...and failed miserably!

    Now he wants to be king of the world...

    Honestly, we should let him be UN SecGen - then leave the UN - we're the only ones that do anything!

  11. Too late. he already bought his castle in dubai.


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