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Monday, January 25, 2016

Media Continue To Sideline March For Life Coverage

Journalism 101: when a crowd of thousands gathers to demonstrate or protest, it is news. When members of the crowd come from across the country despite and eventually through a blizzard, it’s not just news, it’s a great story.

Yet, looking at the front pages of major American news websites yesterday, you’d have no idea this massive gathering was taking place.

This event, of course, is the March for Life. Thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands of people, gathered Friday in Washington DC to speak out against the United States’ abortion policies and to promote pro-life ideals.

But like in recent years past, there has been a noticeable absence of coverage of the march on the part of the mainstream media.

According to the Alliance for Fair Coverage of Life Issues, 200,000 people turned out for the march last year, but the big three American TV networks (CBS, ABC, and NBC) devoted only 15 seconds to covering the march. In 2014, it was 46 seconds.

The media’s lack of coverage of the march is problematic in two ways. At its most fundamental level, it is an egregious violation of basic journalistic principles. Any young student of journalism knows that when a crowd gathers and plans to march, it’s a news story.

When a crowd of 200,000 gathers with a historic blizzard pending, it’s definitely a story. The basic journalistic drive to “get there” and get the story is a powerful one, and not easily ignored.

More here


  1. And that goes to show how liberal the media is.

  2. These beautiful, brave souls do this every year. The MSM Never covers it because they have a death agenda. Thanks to all the 200,000 plus who were there standing for Life once again.

  3. March on the media !!!

  4. lives don't matter (unless they r black)

  5. life, freedom, God, Its not part of the rainbow agenda pro choice and abortion are.

  6. The buses of young people celebrating Mass and glorifying God while stranded on the PA turnpike was an awesome story!!
    The March for Life is a pilgrimage for most people. Preparations are made, funds are raised and prayers begin.

    We've laughed for years about the lack of coverage or the blatant underreporting of the numbers. It's called the March for Life but we frequently shuffle for the first hour!! So many people! So many young people! So many young women especially, though the media always finds the oldest woman there to interview!! Lol.

    The tide is turning and history will remember this Pro-Life Generation :)


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